
Was this Sword supposed to be the Sword of Might? Would that mean that when Carter wielded it, she became a true Captain Britain rather than a British version of Captain America?

May 24, 2024

Was this Sword supposed to be the Sword of Might? Would that mean that when Carter wielded it, she became a true Captain Britain rather than a British version of Captain America? View Reddit by Blondebitchlover – View Source


Captain Carter from What If…is the same Captain Carter from the Illuminati in Multiverse of Madness.

May 16, 2024

Ive thought since the beginning of the What If..series that it ties directly to the MCU. Its my theory that in the Universe in which Loki "leaves" ( the ORIGINAL MCU that we knew up to that point)…thats the one that falls to Ultron in What If? At the end…


A new season of Agent Carter could take place/transition to the timeline where Steve comes back…

May 14, 2024

Obviously, the notion Chris Evans would do this is fantastical, but wouldn't that just be cool of him to do that? To lift up a female lead project, a sequel series to the first female lead MCU project. And everybody wants answers about this timeline, what that would look like.…


WHAT IF…? Breakdown: EPISODE ONE: What If… Captain Carter was the first Avenger?

August 11, 2021

The Watcher is the host of our animated intro and he’s introducing us to all sorts of cool characters from different worlds and realities! Get ready for a wild ride! In 1943, Red Skull was the leader of Hydra’s forces in Europe for the Nazi regime. In Brooklyn, Steve Rogers…