Introducing Dr.Doom idea

The books of doom.. introduce him as a protagonist in a solo movie. Frame him as a some sort of good guy because he's had a tragic life n trying to save his mother from mafisto at the same time liberate his homeland of Latvia. Showcasing his technological and scientific intelligence as a major player on the world strange by strategically perform a legal but ruthless coup of lativia.. limit the amount of crossover appearances from the other established heros n don't introduce any other new ones. Only build up mafisto place in the ECU. Or just mention reed Richards in name only or Easter eggs. The books of doom introduced me to the doc and his backstory and it was perfect explanation of his place and relevance in the marvel universe. I started with only X-Men and Spiderman knowledge like most new comers. And after some time at comics explained YouTube channel. Dr Doom is been just a mysterious villain with his eggs in the important baskets. If they waffle Dr Doom it's fubar..

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