Removing marvel disney+ shows isnt the answer. Just make those shows side canons.

Never introduce a new main character in a tv show like Ms. Marvel. Doing this makes the tv show a homework that people need to do. Casual mcu fans dont want to do homework.

Introduce them first as a side character in main movie like how tom holland was and then develop them in a tv show or even in their own movie. There are tons of ideas for tv shows that dont need integration into the MCU.

The first marvel tv shows like agents of shield served as your weekly serving of marvel while waiting for the next big movie. Something to get by that doesnt have to affect ur enjoyment of the real thing(movies).

Couple examples:

Hawkeye farm life.
Idk how amusing this gonna be but it can be a modern family like show where we just follow hawkeye's family in rural america. His kids attending classes and him just being a househusband since he is a retired hero. Baking cupcakes for his kids and teaching them sports. Make the stakes be so low. Practically non existent stakes. Pepper in a few news reports about his pals doing super hero work and shit.

America Chavez and the multiverse
Copy the idea of the multiversal cable in rick and morty with America Chavez trying to control her powers but ending up in weird but personally dangerous universes. Maybe she becomes an audience in a show where the host has blades for arms and legs and she has to survive that and get out of that universe for an ep.

Black vs Blue
A different universe where princess Shuri actually killed Namor and now they are in an all out war with the atlanteans. We follow her as she deals with the guilt and emotional turmoil all the tragedies in her life has given her while the whole world falls one by one to the atlanteans starting with the coastal cities. Eventually she builds a big ass mech and we got pacific rim x marvel. Stakes high as fuck but not impacting the main canon since this is in a diff universe.

Basically expand the what if episodes into their own series where they are allowed to breathe explore their own worlds. Or even just focus on a side character and expand them.

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